Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year. Old brand new start.

If you’re a new reader of mine, you’ll notice I hardly ever write paragraphs.

Last year was a mix of drama, good news, and confusion. And a bunch of bad choices.

As for the bad choices I made… they were blessings in disguise.

The year is over and a new one begins. I’m still intact. Even if you’re not a fan of making New Year’s resolutions, then you still have a few goals by default. Those are your mind and body. When a new year begins, you are starting the year intact with your healthy body and sanity. Do everything you can to keep them that way until the next year starts.

With that said, I will take each month as it comes. I usually make up plans along the way.

For this year, I will study even more foreign languages. I have already started learning German and French. I have a fascination with foreign languages and always had for quite some time. I have created a specific schedule for this. Mornings are German classes. And night is for French.

This year, I plan on becoming active on YouTube and making a new video every week. Or once every month. All I need is a great-quality camera, microphone, maybe some video editing programs, and I’m set.

My channel might mostly consist of movie reviews, rants, pop culture talk, or sports talk. But I’ll try my best to make every video entertaining somehow.

No drinking. No smoking. No going out after 11PM. I’m cutting back on coffee and sodas. No more junk food.

I hate how I’ve recently become a vampire. I sleep from 4AM-9AM. That’s only 5 hours of sleep, I think. That’s not even enough to function safely around machinery, and yet, there I am. I’m reading, writing, learning foreign languages, exercising. At the end of the day, I feel like I can do it all over again and I’m still not tired. Could this all be a dangerous side effect from the lack of proper sleep? I’m not gonna risk it anymore. My ass goes to bed at 10PM.

I wish all of my friends and family a safe and happy new year.

1 comment:

  1. Some people just need less sleep than others. I sometimes function way better on 3 hours than say 8 and if your body is used to this and it works for you it shouldnt be a problem. Of course I'm not a doctor, but im still pretty sure its way better than no sleep which would definitely be cause for concern.
